Journal of Applied Dental
and Medical Sciences
Journal of Applied Dental and Medical Sciences is A Quarterly Published


Transosseous Wire Fixation: An Obsolete, Yet Valuable Method For Surgical Management Of Facial Fractures

Abhishek Handa, Sharma Shrikant Surendra, Sandeep Singh Rana, Rajkumar Mantri, Manish Sharma, Rushi Virani


Facial fracture sometimes is associated with complications which influence its prognosis. Aspects of the complications of facial fracture investigated are those emanating from the methods of treatment employed in its management. Such methods of treatment include conservative, closed reduction with maxillomandibular fixation (MMF) and open reduction with inter-maxillary fixation and rigid internal fixation. It is expected that with improvement in the knowledge of this condition and its management protocols complications will be reduced to the barest minimum. But, this is not so as there are many confounding variables that influence treatment outcome. This paper examined those complications associated with the various treatment methods and recommends that the older methods of treatment like closed reduction technique and transosseous wire osteosynthesis are still relevant in the current day practice.

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