Journal of Applied Dental
and Medical Sciences
Journal of Applied Dental and Medical Sciences is A Quarterly Published


Management of an immature apex in a maxillary tooth using a novel apical matrix and MTA plug

Parth More, Shriprasad Alure , Kranthikumar Reddy, Srinidhi SR, Zinnie Nanda


Traumatic injury to the tooth especially in the developing stage can lead to incomplete formation of the apex. Treating an immature tooth has its own difficulties like thin apical dentin walls, proper cleaning of the canal and difficulty in obtaining seal at the apex. To overcome the disadvantages of the barrier formed by Calcium hydroxide, MTA was used to form a more predictable apical wall. To help the MTA form a compact plug at the apex, a matrix is needed. Various materials like Platelet rich fibrin, decalcified freeze dried bone among others have been tried. In this case report, a novel resorbable vicryl suture material with a radio opaque dye has been used as an internal matrix over which an MTA plug has been compacted. The tooth was then obturated by the thermoplasticized method.

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