Journal of Applied Dental
and Medical Sciences
Journal of Applied Dental and Medical Sciences is A Quarterly Published


Examination of the Temporomandibular Joint- A Review

Rakesh Pawar, Nitin Gulve , Amit Nehete , Shweta Dhope , Deepali Deore , Nangthombam Chinglembi


A correlation is present between irregular occlusal contacts leading to temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ) problems. Diagnosis of functional disturbances of masticatory system is a complex procedure and should have a thorough understanding of its working and more importantly the normal working of TMJ. Auscultatory examination of TMJ helps in detection of clicking and crepitus. By evaluating the type of clicking one can differentiate Temporo-mandibular dysfunctions. Tenderness, synchrony of action, and co-ordination of relative position in the fossae can be checked by palapating the condyles. Palpation of associated musculature (muscles of mastication) also is an important part of examination. Functional evaluation of TMJ is done by checking for hypermobility and oral habits causing neuromuscular imbalance. Dental parameters like tooth mobility, pulpitis and tooth wear should also be examined for heavy occlusal force after ruling out obvious causative factors. Radiographic examination of TMJ is done to check anatomy of joint, but radiographically significant changes are seen only in few cases. A significant correlation is found between curve of spee and temporo-mandibular Joint Disorders. Therefore examination of TMJ should become an integral part of routine check up in a dentist's office.

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