Journal of Applied Dental
and Medical Sciences
Journal of Applied Dental and Medical Sciences is A Quarterly Published


Management of A Case with Few Remaining Natural Teeth with A Splinted Coping Magnet Retained Overdenture

Vishnu Manohar ,VR Thirumurthy ,YA Bindhoo ,Anjana Kurien 


Magnets have become very popular in dentistry. The advent of biocompatible magnets that are highly corrosion resistant and have retentive forces that can aid denture retention in compromised cases have warranted their use in prosthodontic rehabilitation. Clinical conditions where only a few natural teeth remain are cases where an overdenture is indicated. This option would help to preserve the roots in the alveolar process thereby delaying the resorption and thus avoiding early loss of anterior facial height. The presence of periodontally weak teeth can be utilized to our advantage by means of splinting them and incorporating a single magnetic keeper in the cast coping. The use of a magnetic attachment in such cases would serve to minimize the lateral load on the teeth and ensure long term service of the retained roots in ridge preservation. This case report details the stepwise fabrication of the full arch magnetic overdenture which was made with a cast metal denture base in the upper jaw.

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