Journal of Applied Dental
and Medical Sciences
Journal of Applied Dental and Medical Sciences is A Quarterly Published


Pyogenic granuloma (lobular capillary hemangioma) of the Tongue: a case report

Harmurti Singh, Abhishek Singh, Bharat Shukla, Gourab Das, Neha Agarwal, Gauravi G. Singh


Pyogenic granuloma of the oral cavity is a relatively common entity. The most frequent location encountered for oral cavity is the gingiva; Tongue is a rare location for its occurrence. A pyogenic granuloma will present as a soft, fleshy, easily bleeding red mass and may be ulcerated with a fibrinopurulent covering. They may occur at any age and are often stimulated by a foreign object such as the sharp margin of a restoration, calculus, or a foreign body within the gingival crevice. Pyogenic granuloma was first described by Poncet and Dor in 1897 as ‘human botryomycosis’. HISTOLOGICALLY: The lesion consists of loose granulation tissue with a proliferation of capillary vessels and endothelial cells arranged in lobules. Inflammatory infiltrate and fibrous tissue are also present. TREATMENT: A pyogenic granuloma should be excised with 2?mm margins at its clinical periphery and to a depth to the periosteum or to the causative agent. Any foreign body, calculus, or defective restoration should be removed as part of the excision & recurrence is rare.

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