Journal of Applied Dental
and Medical Sciences
Journal of Applied Dental and Medical Sciences is A Quarterly Published


3D CBCT evaluation of sealer placement using different techniques-An invitro study

Shivani Rawat, Anu Narang, Santosh kumar singh, Savarna Goswami, Ayushi Upadhayay, Shriya Mitna


Introduction: Success of root canal therapy depends upon thorough cleaning, shaping and three dimensional obturation. In order to obtain a fluid impervious seal, the core filling materials and the sealers used to seal the root canal must create different interfaces forming a monoblock. Greater penetration of sealer in root dentine, lesser will be the voids at the dentin–sealer interface. Hence, analysis of the dentin/sealer interface allows the determination of a filling technique which could obturate the root canals with least gaps and voids.Aim and objective: The aim of the study is to compare the void volumes of sealer using three different root canal sealer placement techniques under CBCT.Materials and methods: Twenty four single?rooted premolar teeth were selected and prepared. Specimens were assigned randomly into three groups. Bioceramic sealer was applied using gutta percha as Group 1, ultrasonic endodontic tip as Group 2, and lentulo spiral as Group 3. Canals were then obturated with gutta?percha. Each specimen was then scanned using CBCT.Result: Sealer placement techniques had a statistically significant effect on void formation. Maximum voids were observed in Group 1 and minimum in Group 3.Discussion: The volume of voids present between the obturating material and dentin walls is analysed for desirable outcome .Therefore, in the present study, three sealer placement techniques were chosen and the sealer distribution was analyzed for voids .Conclusion: The volume of voids of sealer were influenced by the type of placement techniques . Lentulo spiral has shown better adaptation of sealer on canal walls than gutta percha and ultrasonics, thus creating lesser volume of voids.

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