Journal of Applied Dental
and Medical Sciences
Journal of Applied Dental and Medical Sciences is A Quarterly Published


An observational study on perceptions and Psychological sequalae of events occurring during surgery performed under sedation and general Anaesthesia

Christine.R.Deepika, Christina George, Valsamma Abraham


Background: Awareness is the postoperative recall of sensory perception during general anaesthesia. This rare but serious adverse event can be extremely distressing for the patient as it is associated with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Aims: The primary aim of the study is to determine different perceptions of patients undergoing elective and emergency surgeries under sedation and general anaesthesia, to study awareness by recall in the post-operative period; and to offer psychologic counselling in whom it has been proven. Materials and methods: An observational single centred study was conducted on eight hundred and fifty patients and their perceptions under anaesthesia were assessed postoperatively at three time points by a validated questionnaire. To the data obtained appropriate statistical tests were applied and the results were drawn. Results: The demographic variables like age and gender were not statistically significant regarding intraoperative awareness. ASA status III, preoperative anxiety, unpremedicated patients, emergency surgeries and complicated surgeries were definite risk factors for development of intraoperative awareness. Comorbid illnesses and previous exposure to anaesthesia had no significance to awareness. Patients had varied dreams under anaesthesia and reported auditory and visual recollections, sensations of not being able to breathe, paralysis, panic, and pain. Conclusion: Anaesthesia, either general anaesthesia or sedation, has definite effect on intraoperative awareness.

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