Journal of Applied Dental
and Medical Sciences
Journal of Applied Dental and Medical Sciences is A Quarterly Published


To compare and evaluate the apical extrusion of E. Faecalis from infected root canal system by using rotary and reciprocating file systems- An in vitro study

Uma Mahajan, Sonal Deole, Sadashiv Daokar, Jyoti Magare, Swapnil jadhav, Kalpana Pawar


All available biomechanical preparation techniques and instruments are associated with some amount of apical extrusion of bacterial and pulpal content, which is considered as the major cause of root canal treatment failure. Hence the present study aims to evaluate the amount of apical extrusion with different file systems. Aim: To compare and evaluate apical extrusion of E. faecalis from infected root canal system using rotary and reciprocating file systems. Methods and materials: Sixty mandibular premolars teeth with single canals were collected. Access cavities prepared and WL measured by keeping 1 mm short of file penetration length. The teeth mounted on the bacteria collecting apparatus and contaminated with E. faecalis. The contaminated samples were then divided into three experimental groups and prepared according to manufacturers instructions. Group 1: ProTaper gold rotary file group; Group 2: Mtwo rotary file group; Group 3: RECIPROC blue reciprocating file group. The extrude was collected and incubated on brain–heart infusion agar Colonies counted in CFU number. Obtained data were statistically analysed and compared with ONE WAY ANOVA Test -using IBM SPSS-20 software. Results: RECIPROC blue reciprocating file system extruded more bacterias when compared to ProTaper gold and Mtwo rotary file systems, Mtwo rotary file system extruded least number of bacteria. Conclusion: All instrumentation techniques extruded intracanal bacteria apically. However, Rotary file systems showed less bacterial extrusion than the Reciprocating file system.

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