Awareness of oxygen inhibited layer effects on composite resins and how to prevent: A survey-based study
Yasmine Tarek Ahmed, Haya Marwan Abouseedou, Fatimah Mohammed Hamza, Maisa Mamdouh AlQalam, Yaqeen Mohammed Naser
Aim: The purpose of this study to evaluate the knowledge and the understanding of REU dental students about the oxygen inhibition layer and how to prevent it. Materials and Methods: This is a cross-sectional survey-based study. An online questionnaire containing 15 closed-ended questions was distributed among the REU female campus targeting dental students from level 8 to 12. The data collected were entered and analyzed using SPSS version 25. Descriptive and inferential statistics were applied. Results: Adequate levels of understanding and knowledge of the OIL and its management technique were found amongst REU students. Senior students in level 12 showed the highest levels of knowledge. Conclusion: The majority of REU students showed proper knowledge of oxygen inhibited layer, its management techniques, and its effects on composite resin restorations longevity.
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