Journal of Applied Dental
and Medical Sciences
Journal of Applied Dental and Medical Sciences is A Quarterly Published


A Survey Regarding Awareness, Belief And Popularity Regarding Homeopathy Medicine

Bhasker Sharma


Back ground: Homeopathy medicine is currently growing rapidly. The general opinion regarding medicines is tilting towards use of herbal drugs BECAUSE OF THE side effects and lack of the curative value in modern medicines. Aim: to study awareness, belief and popularity regarding homeopathy medicine among common people. Method: Study was conducted among common people. Sample selected was 500 subjects. A questionnaire was drafted in bilingual language. Questionnaire was based on questions related to awareness and popularity of homeopathy medicine among people. Result: in present study 88% of current population was aware what homeopathy is. 25% said its better than other medicine. Conclusion: people are familiar to homeopathy medicine

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