Journal of Applied Dental
and Medical Sciences
Journal of Applied Dental and Medical Sciences is A Quarterly Published


Management of mutilated mandibular second premolar with three distinct roots and root canals: A case report

Shrikant Pathak, Prasad Rane, Kranthikumar Reddy, Zinnie Nanda, Shyam Bhamare,Tarun Ahuja


Success of root canal treatment (RCT) relies on operator’s knowledge about anatomy and morphology of tooth and root canal system. While accessing the case one should always radiographically evaluate the suspected tooth through different angulations and various other radiographic advancements available. Mandibular 2nd premolar is relatively difficult tooth to treat endodontically because of its anatomic variations. In the literature there are very few publications documenting such variations. Present case report discusses successful endodontic treatment and post-endodontic rehabilitation of mutilated right mandibular second premolar with three distinct roots and root canals.

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