Journal of Applied Dental
and Medical Sciences
Journal of Applied Dental and Medical Sciences is A Quarterly Published


Evaluation of Effects of Melatonin Application on Osseo Integration of Dental Implant

Ashish Pandey, Gagandeep Kaur, Jasmine Marwaha, Anwesha Biswas, Subham Kumari, Ojas Singh


Background Insuf?cient bone availability for prosthesis-guided implant placement is one of the most frequent challenges these days. Limited bone volume is related to poor bone quality that constitutes a challenge for the implant-supported rehabilitation specially in maxilla. The poor bone quality is more frequently seen in aged patients with atrophic and osteoporotic bones due to the reduction of function of osteoprogenitor cells. Materials and Method The study was performed in a dental institute with the total number of 15 patients who falls in the age group of 45-55 years. The study protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee of the institution. Subjects were divided into three groups. Control group (CG) (n=5): No treatment was applied, and dental implants were simply inserted, Melatonin Dose 1 (MLT D-1) group (n=5) ,Melatonin Dose 2 (MLT D-2) group (n=5) Results New bone regeneration reached the top in the melatonin group; however, it reached to about one-third in the control group. Some blood vessels were observed in the newly generated bone in the melatonin groups. The total percentages of areas of new bone were significantly different between the melatonin and control groups at 12 weeks. Conclusion In conclusion, melatonin promoted vertical bone regeneration in a secluded space using a plastic cap. Further studies are needed to fully evaluate the benefit of melatonin in enhancing bone regeneration.

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