Rugae pattern: Effects on masculine and feminine Character
Rajat R. Khajuria
Rugae are classified according to shape, size, number and length in three main types: Primary Rugae (5-10mm), Secondary Rugae (3-5 mm) and Fragmentary rugae (less than 3 mm). Shape is classified into Straight that runs from origin to termination, curvy that is crescent shape, circular that is continuous ring formation and wavy that is serpentile formation. The increased interest of dentists in palatal rugae is due to their capability to resist decomposition even under stress or thermal injury. The aim of the present study is to find out any effect of gender on pattern of rugae. Materials & method 50 students of Jammu region, out of which 25 males and 25 females participated in the study. Alginate was mixed and maxillary impression of the subjects was taken. Impressions were poured in dental stone and Casts were checked for any air inclusions or any abnormalities. A graphite pencil was used to mark the rugae patterns precisely. A single observer was used to mark and record the shape and size of rugae to avoid any discrimination from observer’s side. The number of rugae on either side of midline was counted and analyzed using Thomas and Klutz classification4. Recorded data was collected and analyzed using analysis of variance and student t test. Result Among all the subjects tested, group 1 (6.04 ± 0.745)mm recorded more rugae length as compared to group 2 (5.85 ±0.433)mm. Also, it was found that in group 1, 19 subjects (76%) had straight pattern, 4(16%) had curved pattern and 2 (8%) had crescent pattern. In group 2, 21 subjects (84%) had straight pattern and 4 subjects (16%) had curved pattern. Conclusion Within the limitations of the present study, Males have more prominent and large palatal rugae than females. Straight types of palatal rugae were found to be maximum followed by curved pattern in both males and females of Jammu population.
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