Journal of Applied Dental
and Medical Sciences
Journal of Applied Dental and Medical Sciences is A Quarterly Published


Screw Retained Hybrid Tooth And Tissue Supported Overdenture

Vishnu Manohar, Rohan Grover, Thirumurthy VR, Bindhoo YA ,Anjana Kurien


Prosthodontic rehabilitation of the elderly calls for special considerations due to physiological tissue changes and medical disorders intensified by age. It often is difficult to delineate where the normal aging process culminates and where the disease process begins. Uncontrolled diabetes can impede successful implant supported restoration of such patients. Remaining natural teeth can be effectively used to retain the denture. The full protocol of a new method by which implant components can be salvaged to create a cost effective attachment assembly in screw retaining a full arch prosthesis to endodontically treated teeth, is proposed in this article.

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