Hemisection Is A Reliable Treatment Modality For Mandibular Molars With Poor Prognosis –A Case Report And Review
Ankita Arun, Vidya Baliga , Prasad Dhadse, Priyanka Jaiswal, Bhairavi Kale, Bindu Singh
A 56 year old male reported with grossly carious mandibular molar. The radiograph revealed a persistent apical periodontitis involving distal root and furcation area. However the mesial root had healthier bone support. Decision was made to save the healthier mesial root and resect distal root and placing the ?-TCP along with PRF in distal socket. After initial therapy and endodontic treatment, periodontal flap was raised, followed by distal root resection and socket preservation. After 3 months fixed partial denture was placed. The case had been followed up for 6 months showed good prognosis, radiographic bone fill and patient acceptance.
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