Journal of Applied Dental
and Medical Sciences
Journal of Applied Dental and Medical Sciences is A Quarterly Published


Patient Satisfaction From Dental Care Services Performed By Senior Dental Students

Mishari Bin Jrais, Sultan Alshahrani , Ahmed Alamoudi, Mohammed Alhosan, Saad Aldosary,
Raed Alqahtani, Abdullah Alsaleh, Khalid Albeshir, Hassan M Abouelkheir


Aim:To determine the levels of satisfaction regarding the quality of dental health care provided by the senior dental studentsin Riyadh Elm University. Methods : In this cross-sectional survey, self-administered modified questionnaires were used in the assessment of the patients. The questionnaires given were filled in two circumstances, during the waiting time and after receiving treatment.Data was analyzed using SPSS version 19. Results:The majority (80%) of the patients gave the consent that the students familiarized them with the procedures before conducting the treatment. The average overall proportion of consent was 76.8%, which denoted a high level of satisfaction. The relationship between the interviewees’ nationality and the characteristics of the association in the four disciplines yielded significant differences between the Saudis and the Non-Saudis. Conclusion:The patients treated by the dental students at college of dentistry were highly satisfied with their treatment.

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