Assessment of crestal bone loss in patients undergoing prosthetic rehabilitation by platform switching and non-platform switching dental implants: A comparative study
Shajah Hussain Sheikh, Sanjay kumar bhagat, Avneet Singh
Background: The platform switching (PLS) concept was introduced in the literature in 2005. Bone resorption around the implant neck is frequently observed after loading by a reduction in bone dimension, both horizontally and vertically. Hence; we planned the present study to compare the peri-implant crestal bone loss after placing non platform switched and platform switched dental implants.Materials & methods:The present study included assessment of a total of 20 patients who were broadly divided into two study group; group A- included patients who underwent platform switched implants, while group B- included subjects who underwent non-platform switched implants. Placement of dental implant was done. On follow-up, measurement of marginal bone loss was done. The Marginal bone loss was measured on the mesial and distal aspects of each implant using sequential standardized periapical radiographs and the long-cone paralleling technique. All the results were analyzed by SPSS software. Results:Non- significant results were obtained while comparing the mean marginal bone loss in patients of both the study groups.Conclusion:Mean marginal bone level change is similar in patients undergoing platform switching or non-platform switching dental implants
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