Journal of Applied Dental
and Medical Sciences
Journal of Applied Dental and Medical Sciences is A Quarterly Published


Prevalence of malocclusions in the North-East China attending the Department Orthodontic Second Affiliated Dental Hospital of Jiamusi University

 Raihan Kibria, Zhao Gang, Li Wei, ZaoTing


Objective: To determine the distribution of dental malocclusions in a sample of North-East China orthodontic patients. Methodology : Between Jun 2014 to Jun 2016 the orthodontic record of 300 patients attending the Department of Orthodontics at School of Stomatology, Second Affiliated Dental Hospital of Jiamusi University were selected randomly from 1000 patients and retrieved from the archives for evaluation. The data was entered into the computer and analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (version 20. Inc. Chicago, USA). Results: Angle’s Class II malocclusion was found to be the most common malocclusion with 44% followed by 29.7%, Angle’s class I and 26.3%. Angle’s class III. Conclusion: The results give a pattern of malocclusion in orthodontic patients and may provide a base line data for planning awareness programs, preventive and interceptive orthodontic services & the future studies. There is a strong need of epidemiological survey to find out the prevalence & causes of malocclusion in North-East China population

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