Journal of Applied Dental
and Medical Sciences
Journal of Applied Dental and Medical Sciences is A Quarterly Published


Management of Maxillary Lateral Incisor With Palato-Radicular Groove and Periapical Cyst: A Case Report

Shyam bhamare, Zinnie Nanda, Kranthikumar Reddy, Shrikant Pathak, Jasmit Kaur, Sachin Rakh


In recent studies it has been found that the Palatoradicular groove serves as a convenient pathway for nutrients to reach bacteria in the root canal and periapical tissues. The concurrence of a palatoradicular groove and periapical cyst in the same tooth is a common finding that poses both endodontic and periodontal challenges. This clinical report describes a planned sequence of successful multidisciplinary approaches for the management of a maxillary lateral incisor with a TYPE 3 palatoradicular groove and a periapical cyst. The Rationale behind the treatment modalities in the present case is discussed here.

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