Journal of Applied Dental
and Medical Sciences
Journal of Applied Dental and Medical Sciences is A Quarterly Published


Management of maxillary defect with surgical and interim obturator

Nishant Bajpai, Motwani B K, Shailendra Kumar Sahu, Anurag Dani, Sanjeev Singh, Shuchi V Kulkarni


Defects of maxilla are seen as a consequence of various congenital and acquired factors. Surgical removal of neoplastic tissue in the maxilla inevitably results in maxillary defect which can compromise various functions such as deglutition and speech. The prosthetic diagnosis and management in such condition should start in the pre-surgical phase with the help of diagnostic models and mock preparations after thorough consultation with the oral surgeon. Post-surgical management includes provision of surgical or immediate obturator followed by interim obturator and then the final prosthesis. This article gives a brief overview of treatment approach and management of a rare case of Fibrosarcoma of maxilla.

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