Journal of Applied Dental
and Medical Sciences
Journal of Applied Dental and Medical Sciences is A Quarterly Published


Risk Factors For Periodontal Diseases

Avasthy P1, Govila V2,Verma S3,Pant VA4,Sharma M5


Periodontal Diseases are infections, which are associated with specific pathogenic bacteria that colonize the subgingival area. Initiation & progression of periodontal infections are clearly modified by local & systemic conditions called risk factors. The local factors include pre-existing disease as evidenced by deep probing depths and plaque retention areas associated with defective restorations. Systemic risk factors recently have been identified by large epidemiologic studies using multifactorial statistical analyses to correct for confounding or associated co-risk factors. Recent Studies also point to several potentially important periodontal risk indicators. These include stress & coping behaviours, & osteopenia associated with periodontal disease including gender , age & hereditary factors. The study of risk in periodontal disease is a rapidly emerging field and much is yet to be learned.

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