Journal of Applied Dental
and Medical Sciences
Journal of Applied Dental and Medical Sciences is A Quarterly Published


Retrieval of A Separated Instrument Using Masserann Kit

Shashank Nanhe, Zinnie Nanda, Kranthikumar Reddy , Anand R. Agarwal , Richa Murarka,Nileshrao Patil


The fracture of endodontic instruments is a procedural problem creating a major obstacle to normal routine therapy. The separated instrument, particularly a broken file leads to metallic obstruction in the root canal and impedes efficient cleaning and shaping. When an attempt to bypass such a fragment becomes difficult, it should be retrieved by mechanical devices. Masserann kit is one such technique for orthograde removal of intracanal metallic obstructions. These clinical cases demonstrate the usage of Masserann technique in removal of separated instruments in anterior and also the posterior teeth.

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